Monday, October 22, 2007

Dear, Mr. President-Pink

Dear Mr. President,
Come take a walk with me.
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me.
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why?
Dear Mr. President,
Were you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
How can you say
No child is left behind?
We're not dumb and we're not blind.
They're all sitting in your cells
While you pave the road to hell.
What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye?
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
How do you sleep at night?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Dear Mr. President,
You'd never take a walk with me.
Would you?

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Author's Note: I wrote this for Hoku, the main horse in the Phantom Stallion:Wild Horse Island series it has quotes from the books The Horse Charmer, and The Shining Stallion. Both of which belong to Terri Farley Image belongs to Wild Horse Valley



A powerful,



From the Nevada Range

To the Shores of Hawaii

So close to the sea

Yet so far from




Flaxen colored

Mane and Tail.



The source of her name.

Pale white

Against golden skin.

Brown Eyes

Shone so bright

With intelligence

Have changed.

Full sister of the Phantom

Her dam- Princess Kitty.

Her Sire-Smoke

Afraid of men

Due to being saddled to early


But full of spirit



And Star's are the eyes of heaven


Everyone dreams to be free

That includes freedom from fear

The fear that tomorrow, You will be on someone's Plate

Stop Slaughter Now

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

All 5 kittens about 1 or 2 weeks old

At the risk of sounding like a proud parent to people who really don't give a damn I shall tell you about my babies. Haha! Not those babies! Too young for that. My three little ones who won't stop running around the house. They are three months old and look nothing like they're mom. Except the giant mouth and Bear's blueish eyes

Born mid july of a little of 5, Spirit, Bear, and Wish are probably the most lively of everyone in the house. Their father is a big gray tabby with a white smudge on the side of his mouth and white on his chest and paws about 2 years or so. His mother was Brisky as for his father thats unknown since Brisky was a outside inside cat.

Their mother, and abandoned Siamese is almost a year old-late this month- Fergie is well a Handful and a prima donna. Considering the cold snap of the week she was abandoned in field beside our house and that she was just barely old enough to be away from her mother, she most likely would have died.

Anyhow, like I said the kittens were born to a litter of 5. 1 all black kitten. 1 gray and white and black striped kitten. 2 gray ones and 1 black one with white paws. Unfortuanatly the striped one and the black one with white paws got sick and died about 2 weeks later. 2 girls and 3 boys. All perfectly handled since they were born. Since those two died there were 2 boys and 1 girl left. All three were really fat and loved to explore.
Now 3 months later the kittens have permanent names and very distintive personalities.

From Left:Spirit,Bear, Wish at 2 months old.
Spirit is the oldest and the leader of the group. Jet black with just a slight dusting of white on her chest and brilliant golden eyes. She's sweet and affectionate but at the moment she doesn't like to be handled much. Still kind of skittish, her favorite things to do are Follow her dad around, beat up her brothers, watch the fish in the tank, and sleep on the back of the couch.

Spirit-Age:3 months
Next on the list is Bear. A pure gray baby with blueish greenish eyes, he loves to play but also enjoys to curl up on our laps and goes straight to sleep. So affectionate, it's almost painful. Especially when he wraps himself arounds our legs when we're holding a heavy pitcher of tea. Though usually he starts purring the minute you touch him. Bear loves, playing, chasing after his mom, attacking the newspaper, trying to study my school books, napping on warm laps, and attacking my headphones.
Wish is a little more complex. Pure gray like his brother it's kind of hard to tell the twins apart. Though the runt of the litter, his bluish green golden eyes always look sleepy or narrowed. He's very skittish and will sometimes let you pick him up and pet you. He is playful with his siblings and mother. Wish like his father loves the cuddling and petting after a bath wrapped in a towel though afterwards is a different story. His mood changes alot so it's hard to tell when he'll allow you to hold him and baby him.
All in all they're healthy big babies which is a good thing. But boy do they have a voice on of their mothers traits of course. Hopefully, The kittens will keep using the litter box and stop coping their parents on that subject. Soon depending how hard I work and how much they cost, all three kitten will be getting collars. For three reasons. 1. to tell the boys apart. 2. So Later I can teach them to walk on a leash-not like a dog but so whenever we move or we have to take them to the vet their easy to handle without a crate- 3. So in case they do get outside and get lost they'll be returned.
Regardless of their attitude and problems, they're adorable and my very special babies. Yup I sound like an overly proud parent. But I can't help it. I've been with them ever since they were born even during that horrible time that left me scarred for life. JUST KIDDING! If anything happened to them, if it's natural I'll cry my eyes out like I did with the two that died on the same day. As for if it was intentional, like someone killed them or wounded them, lets just say you will have one MAJOR angry Human Mama Kitty. My dogs are the same. I may not have been there WHEN they were born but we've had em since they were lil pups and I dunno. Whenever a pet dies it just feels like there's a part of my heart missing or something. And that missing part hurts whenever I see or think about all the cruelty to animals that's going on right below our very noses

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Harry Potter House Quiz


I've turned completly invisible
Just a whisper in the trees.
Ignored by the world.
I scream but my cries
Are drowned out by the
Laughter of others

Complely alone.
Lost in thought
And silence.

Teased and tormented,
Till my heart
And soul shut down.

I no longer speak
For there is no one to talk
Blown away by the wind
Not sure where to turn.
Hoping, longing, for the
Winter of my heart
To melt
So I can trust again

My Turn

Always the one
Being protected.
Unable to stand on,
My own two feet
And Fight for what I knew was right.
Being the one left behind
Always alone
Seemingly forgotton.
I knew that in my mind.
But didn't believe it in my heart.
Begging for the chance to help.
But being ignored
Isn't the way to protect me!
Unknown to you
I CAN stand on my own two feet
And fight for myself.
I don't need you there protecting me.
Considering you never believed in what I could do.
This timeIt's MY turn !
They say the sane thing is to compare
As contrast is to different.
Maybe I want to be different,
Maybe I don't wanna be the same.

Who, what, when, where, and why,
Plus how do I explain to you
That everything is different?

People infer to me.
They try to suggest I'm wrong
They try to describe how I'm supposed to act.
But they can't formulate the facts.
They're creating illusions inside my mind
Right now you're analyzing me
Studying, hoping I'll fail.

You traced my life
Then copied it.
Speaking without evaluating,
Not checking what you say.
Why can't you support me?
Help me understand the difference.

You can't summarize my life
You can't retell my story
Predict my moves
You'll never guess.
It's not enough to
Figure out
What you will hide.

Author's Note: Originally written with my friend Jordan for our 6Th grade literature Class

Different Points of View

I see the world
As a story.
Each emotion
A ripple on the water.

If I could.
Look at life through
Your eyes.
I'm sure it would be different
From mine.

You see the world
How it is.
Not how it could be.
Not caring about
Others emotions.

I see the world
As how it can be.
As well as what it is.
Though I seem selfish
I listen to others emotions

It's clear we're different people
Obviously, we have different perspectives.
Our story's our own
No mater what we or other people think.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wild Horses by Natasha Bedingfield

Hmmm woah yea...

I feel these 4 walls closing in
My face up against the glass
I'm looking out... hmm
Is this my life I'm wondering
It happened so fast
How do I turn this thing around
Is this the bed I chose to make
Its greener pastures I'm thinking about hmm
Wide open spaces far away

All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear but, not feel scared

Wild horses I wanna be like you
Throwing caution to the wind
I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love, like I'm longing to
Run with the wild horses, run with the wild horses!
Oh yeah yea

I see the girl I wanna be
Riding bare back, care free along the shore
If only that someone was me
Jumping head first headlong without a thought
To act and damn the consequence
How I wish it could be that easy
But fear surrounds me like a fence
I wanna break free

All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear but, not feel scared
Hoohhh woah woah

Wild horses I wanna be like you
Throwing caution to the wind
I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love, like I'm longing to
I wanna run with the wild horses, run with the wild horses!
Oh yeah yea

I wanna run too.
Hohhh woah oh woah oh
Breaklessly abandoning my self before you
I wanna open up my heart tell him how I feel

Wild horses I wanna be like you
Throwing caution to the wind
I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love, like I'm longing to
I wanna run with the wild horses, run with the wild horses! [X2]
Hooaah woah oh woah

I wanna run with the wild horses



Light, like the flutter of wings, feel your hollow voice rushing into me
As you're longing to sing
So I....So I will paint you in silver, I will wrap you in cold
I will lift up your voice as I sink

Blood Lust

The Craving Starts,
It's Impossible to control.
Scent, Taste, Sight, and thought.
Are all it needs to undo me
My strength is waning
As the moon does in it's flight
The Demon
It's Calling
With it's sweet yet murderous song
Just waiting,For my control
The Pounding,
The Desire.
I can taste it on my lips.
The color Crimson
Flashes across my gaze
As Creamy skin is expose,
The raw sharp tips of fangs pierce the top
Of my lower lip.
The Demon


Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire(to love the earth is our one desire)
Love the earth it's only fair its one
Big earth and we must share

We love the earth with all our fire
Its in our souls our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire (to love the earth is our one desire)

Nature is our precious gift it will make your sprits lift
We love the earth with all out fire
Its in our souls our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
We love the earth is one DESIRE! (Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

I know you guys don't give a damn about whats truly important in this life, but I do and wheather you want to read this or not is up to you. Just like it's up to YOU about wheather or not this planet is destroyed or not. Yes its true to most of us there's not much we can do considering no one is willing to listen, But it's that little bit of what we CAN do is what makes a difference.

A long time ago Native Americans, wild animals and plants flurished around the land. Yet when the settlers came they called them savages and parasites. Something that would ruin their plans for this world. This is not true, for the Native Americans lived off the land, living in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants. They taught the early settlers how to grow crops, hunt, and to survive the harsh unforgiving winter. And look how we repayed them! By running them off their land and destorying them! We called them Savages, when it is us who are the true Savages.

Wild Horses are the same. We couldn't catch and domesticate them so we destroyed them. Calling them 'Parasites who'd strip the land in a fortnight.' No one wanted them. Not Ranchers. Not Farmers. No one. So they captured them. Sold them for dog food, Glue, and to the Rodeo. They are a wildness and a strength that should never be tamed.

Another example is the war on Iraq. Yes. Suddam Hussein, al-Qaeda, and their cronies attacked us on September 11, 2001. But why should the People who are innocent be dragged into a war that should have ended a long time ago. It was 6 years ago People! They say it's the Operation on Iraqi Freedom. Freedom. What is Freedom? People are dying for what? So others can go free? Or for a war that will never end?Is there truly a reason for this war any more? If there is what is it? If this keeps up our world will keep getting smaller and smaller before theres nothing left.

Isn't America supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
Brave. Why do we call ourselves that when all I see are Cowards! Cowards who hide behind Guns and weapons of mass destruction. Who won't stand up to a President who's making irrational decisons and they know its WRONG!

Tell me. What happened to this place being a country where people could make their own way of life and live they way they want to regardless of RACE, RELIGION, GENDER, SEXUALITY, HOW MUCH MONEY THEY MAKE!What kind of place is this where, you can't even go outside in your own yard without being shot, cussed, threatened at? And you can't stay in the house because of people coming up to your own door banging on it just to see if you're home so they can break in?

I know you don't want to hear this but you can't just sit in denial about what this Country is really like. If we don't do something. No one will!! And do you realy want a place like this to be where your kids grow up in? I don't and I'm sure a lot of other people want that either.
We no longer live off the land as we once did. Where the closest neighbor was 3 miles down the road. But these thing signify a world of what it was. And what it could be again.
After all this earth is land of Opportunity.

But it seems no one is willing to stand up to help us bring this planet back to it's former glory.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am confined.
Not by steel doors or barred cages.
But by my own inability to fly.
Fear, insecurities, lonliness, memories
Form invisible walls...
That keep closing in until the one inside is crushed.
There is no freedom in the prison of mine that no one can see.
No Light, No night,
No song, no scent.
Just silence, lonliness, Darkness
They say the secrets deep within the recesses of the heart have no substance
No physical form.
They were wrong.
But the only reason they said that was because they do not believe what they cannot See.
'Seeing is Believing' I've heard.
But isn't 'Believing really seeing?' I wonder.
It's hard to believe or see behind these windowless walls.
There are no visitors here.
Other than the people who live here as well.
But they do not see this.
They do not understand.
For they ARE free.
As free as they want to be.
The walls and bars are getting closer.
And it's getting harder to breath.
My legs itch. And my heart yearns.
To run. To see the sky again.
To jump and be able to find home once again
Where is the exit to this place?
The end to this confinement?
Is there even one?
I know it seems like I'm just complaining.
To some people this may seem like bliss to them.
A shelter from the outside world.
Although that is true....
Being like this for so long has gotten quite boring.
Like having the same food every day over and over again.
The repetitive cycle just makes you want to do somethng
That you would never usually do...
Unless you were either drunk or High.
Unknown to most.
We are all confined.
Prisoners in our own cycles.
Our own routines
Sometimes I ponder,
If there is an end over yonder.

Author's Note:I originally Posted this on Myspace

About Me

This is going to be total Blogger Cliche, but I'm gonna start it off by telling YOU-the readers- a little bit about myself, no matter how much I hate it.

Alright, I won't tell you my real name so you can just call me Sana or Tiger or one of the other nicknames I go by. As for my age....well I'm old enough so don't go there. I live in a small town with my parents with 4 dogs-Jazzy, Rosie, Buddy, and Macky(Buddy's actually a girl)- 5 cats-Dart, Fergie, Spirit, Bear, and Wish. Along with two fish and a newt-Karu(pronounce Ka-ooo)-

I'm not athletic, which is a good and bad thing since I'm such a klutz. I love to run, ride my bike, and play soccer though-strange isn't it- My heart belongs to no one but myself, and maybe the open sky. A country girl at heart, I hate people, crowds, and annoying stalker fan boys who won't leave me alone.

In my opinion I'm not very pretty, mainly cause I'm such a tomboy and don't care much about my opinion. In fact my opinion of dressy is a pair of fresh new or clean jeans, a clean shirt, and some clean shoes and socks. I have short plain dark brown hair with different shades of blonde red brown and black in it. Simple hazel eyes that change color all the time, freckles that stand out against my skin-Can't help it I don't tan- and pierced ears. Nothin special.

I have a passion, or should I say death wish, for books. Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Horror, Suspense, Comedy, you name it. As I said it's a death wish because all the books I either buy or borrow from the library or friends usually end up strewn across my bedroom floor, resulting in me or someone else tripping over them.

Anyway, it's my mind connected to my mouth that usually gets me in trouble. Normally, I say what I think, when a NORMAL person would keep their traps shut. Though then again, I don't think my brain has it's voice tones right yet. My heart is connected to my hands, so I always type whatever comes out. If you don't like it fine I don't give a damn. If you like it, well whoopdee do. It's great if you like it okay if you don't I leave that up for you to decide.

I love anime and movies, and basicly whatever kind of entertainment I can get my hands on. Well not ALL entertainment. I have my limits and my kinds of movies and stuff. I love my friends to death even if they are complete wackos and call me in the morninings and SCREAM!

Well, Thats all about me for now. My heart is in everything I write so be prepared for that.

So till next time
Ja Ne!(see you later)