Sunday, September 30, 2007


Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire(to love the earth is our one desire)
Love the earth it's only fair its one
Big earth and we must share

We love the earth with all our fire
Its in our souls our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
To love the earth is our one desire (to love the earth is our one desire)

Nature is our precious gift it will make your sprits lift
We love the earth with all out fire
Its in our souls our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire, And Air
We may look bad but we don't care
We ride the wind we feel the fire
We love the earth is one DESIRE! (Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

I know you guys don't give a damn about whats truly important in this life, but I do and wheather you want to read this or not is up to you. Just like it's up to YOU about wheather or not this planet is destroyed or not. Yes its true to most of us there's not much we can do considering no one is willing to listen, But it's that little bit of what we CAN do is what makes a difference.

A long time ago Native Americans, wild animals and plants flurished around the land. Yet when the settlers came they called them savages and parasites. Something that would ruin their plans for this world. This is not true, for the Native Americans lived off the land, living in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants. They taught the early settlers how to grow crops, hunt, and to survive the harsh unforgiving winter. And look how we repayed them! By running them off their land and destorying them! We called them Savages, when it is us who are the true Savages.

Wild Horses are the same. We couldn't catch and domesticate them so we destroyed them. Calling them 'Parasites who'd strip the land in a fortnight.' No one wanted them. Not Ranchers. Not Farmers. No one. So they captured them. Sold them for dog food, Glue, and to the Rodeo. They are a wildness and a strength that should never be tamed.

Another example is the war on Iraq. Yes. Suddam Hussein, al-Qaeda, and their cronies attacked us on September 11, 2001. But why should the People who are innocent be dragged into a war that should have ended a long time ago. It was 6 years ago People! They say it's the Operation on Iraqi Freedom. Freedom. What is Freedom? People are dying for what? So others can go free? Or for a war that will never end?Is there truly a reason for this war any more? If there is what is it? If this keeps up our world will keep getting smaller and smaller before theres nothing left.

Isn't America supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
Brave. Why do we call ourselves that when all I see are Cowards! Cowards who hide behind Guns and weapons of mass destruction. Who won't stand up to a President who's making irrational decisons and they know its WRONG!

Tell me. What happened to this place being a country where people could make their own way of life and live they way they want to regardless of RACE, RELIGION, GENDER, SEXUALITY, HOW MUCH MONEY THEY MAKE!What kind of place is this where, you can't even go outside in your own yard without being shot, cussed, threatened at? And you can't stay in the house because of people coming up to your own door banging on it just to see if you're home so they can break in?

I know you don't want to hear this but you can't just sit in denial about what this Country is really like. If we don't do something. No one will!! And do you realy want a place like this to be where your kids grow up in? I don't and I'm sure a lot of other people want that either.
We no longer live off the land as we once did. Where the closest neighbor was 3 miles down the road. But these thing signify a world of what it was. And what it could be again.
After all this earth is land of Opportunity.

But it seems no one is willing to stand up to help us bring this planet back to it's former glory.

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