Saturday, September 29, 2007

About Me

This is going to be total Blogger Cliche, but I'm gonna start it off by telling YOU-the readers- a little bit about myself, no matter how much I hate it.

Alright, I won't tell you my real name so you can just call me Sana or Tiger or one of the other nicknames I go by. As for my age....well I'm old enough so don't go there. I live in a small town with my parents with 4 dogs-Jazzy, Rosie, Buddy, and Macky(Buddy's actually a girl)- 5 cats-Dart, Fergie, Spirit, Bear, and Wish. Along with two fish and a newt-Karu(pronounce Ka-ooo)-

I'm not athletic, which is a good and bad thing since I'm such a klutz. I love to run, ride my bike, and play soccer though-strange isn't it- My heart belongs to no one but myself, and maybe the open sky. A country girl at heart, I hate people, crowds, and annoying stalker fan boys who won't leave me alone.

In my opinion I'm not very pretty, mainly cause I'm such a tomboy and don't care much about my opinion. In fact my opinion of dressy is a pair of fresh new or clean jeans, a clean shirt, and some clean shoes and socks. I have short plain dark brown hair with different shades of blonde red brown and black in it. Simple hazel eyes that change color all the time, freckles that stand out against my skin-Can't help it I don't tan- and pierced ears. Nothin special.

I have a passion, or should I say death wish, for books. Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Horror, Suspense, Comedy, you name it. As I said it's a death wish because all the books I either buy or borrow from the library or friends usually end up strewn across my bedroom floor, resulting in me or someone else tripping over them.

Anyway, it's my mind connected to my mouth that usually gets me in trouble. Normally, I say what I think, when a NORMAL person would keep their traps shut. Though then again, I don't think my brain has it's voice tones right yet. My heart is connected to my hands, so I always type whatever comes out. If you don't like it fine I don't give a damn. If you like it, well whoopdee do. It's great if you like it okay if you don't I leave that up for you to decide.

I love anime and movies, and basicly whatever kind of entertainment I can get my hands on. Well not ALL entertainment. I have my limits and my kinds of movies and stuff. I love my friends to death even if they are complete wackos and call me in the morninings and SCREAM!

Well, Thats all about me for now. My heart is in everything I write so be prepared for that.

So till next time
Ja Ne!(see you later)

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