Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am confined.
Not by steel doors or barred cages.
But by my own inability to fly.
Fear, insecurities, lonliness, memories
Form invisible walls...
That keep closing in until the one inside is crushed.
There is no freedom in the prison of mine that no one can see.
No Light, No night,
No song, no scent.
Just silence, lonliness, Darkness
They say the secrets deep within the recesses of the heart have no substance
No physical form.
They were wrong.
But the only reason they said that was because they do not believe what they cannot See.
'Seeing is Believing' I've heard.
But isn't 'Believing really seeing?' I wonder.
It's hard to believe or see behind these windowless walls.
There are no visitors here.
Other than the people who live here as well.
But they do not see this.
They do not understand.
For they ARE free.
As free as they want to be.
The walls and bars are getting closer.
And it's getting harder to breath.
My legs itch. And my heart yearns.
To run. To see the sky again.
To jump and be able to find home once again
Where is the exit to this place?
The end to this confinement?
Is there even one?
I know it seems like I'm just complaining.
To some people this may seem like bliss to them.
A shelter from the outside world.
Although that is true....
Being like this for so long has gotten quite boring.
Like having the same food every day over and over again.
The repetitive cycle just makes you want to do somethng
That you would never usually do...
Unless you were either drunk or High.
Unknown to most.
We are all confined.
Prisoners in our own cycles.
Our own routines
Sometimes I ponder,
If there is an end over yonder.

Author's Note:I originally Posted this on Myspace

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